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Experience the vibrant spirit of Bhutanese culture up close—join a festival trip to witness the joy, celebration, and traditions of Bhutan in full bloom. Embark on a trekking adventure in Bhutan, where every trail unveils breathtaking Himalayan views, untouched nature, and a journey into the soul of this mystical kingdom. Explore Bhutan, the Land of the Thunder Dragon, where mystical landscapes, rich traditions, and deep spiritual heritage create an unforgettable journey through the heart of the Himalayas. Discover the serene beauty and rich heritage of Punakha—where history, spirituality, and stunning landscapes come together in Bhutan's ancient capital.

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click Bhutan Festival Tours & Travel

Posted on 08/11/13 2:43 PM

Bhutanese love to socialize, an integral part of the Bhutanese tradition and culture. Bhutanese love social gatherings and present themselves in spirit of celebration. If you wish to see Bhutanese from all walks of life making fun, play, flirt and drink alcohol during such festivities. Festivals are also considered annual gathering for the family members […]

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Korea lotus association for world enlightenment donates $10,000 to Bhutan.

Posted on 08/11/13 2:43 PM

The donation of worth $10,000 was made by the  Korea Lotus association for world enlightenment as a token support to lay the foundation for building a Buddhist temple and guesthouse for Bhutanese pilgrims at Rajgiri district in Bihar, India. It is believed the Buddha gave one of his teachings there. The 32-member delegation of lay […]

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Bhutans white bellied herons under threat.

Posted on 08/11/13 2:42 PM

In south East Asia, Bhutan being proud over its rich biodiversity, modernization and illegal human activities threaten to wipe out one of the rarest bird species called the white bellied herons. Heavy illegal fishing in Bertichhu and developmental activities nearby threaten the white-bellied heron population roosting around the Berti village in lower Mangdechhu basin in […]

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The true story of mothers scarifies

Posted on 08/11/13 2:41 PM

This is a true story of Mother’s Sacrifice during the Japan Earthquake. After the Earthquake had subsided, when the rescuers reached the ruins of a young woman’s house, they saw her dead body through the cracks. But her pose was somehow strange that she knelt on her knees like a person was worshiping; her body […]

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