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Towards managing Bhutans environment

Posted on 08/11/13 2:57 PM

Bhutan will soon establish a research centre to generate a strong information database on environment. The centre is expected to function under the Royal Society for Protection of Nature (RSPN). Currently being planned, the research centre will provide researchers, students, government agencies and the public updated information and critical scientific data on environment. The programme […]

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Understanding drug shortage

Posted on 08/11/13 2:57 PM

Understanding drug shortage.After grappling with  an acute drug shortage for more than a year, the health ministry is today still short of 39 drugs. The ministry was short of 166 drugs in 2010-11.  This was met through “desperate” measures, which health officials said are beyond the procurement rules and regulations, and for which special approval […]

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Finding of GNH survey

Posted on 08/11/13 2:57 PM

Does volunteered work have significant effect on happiness level? Not really, shows the findings of the GNH survey 2010.The survey findings show that an average happiness level of 6.1 (on a scale of 1-10 and with 10 being happiest) for respondents, who have either provided voluntary help, and for those that have not. The survey displays […]

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The light of the day with the opening of centre known as GNH centre

Posted on 08/11/13 2:56 PM

Gross National Happiness popularly known as GNH, is a noble vision of the fourth King JigmeSingyeWangchuk, which is entirely based on the Buddhist philosophy that long term happiness does not arise from materialistic development. The noble philosophy will see the light of the day with the opening of centre, known as GNH centre. The conceptual […]

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