Although the officials here didn’t confirm, the Indian prime minister, Narendra Modi, according to reports in the Indian media, has chosen Bhutan as the first country he will visit .
The visit could be anytime soon this month, according to the reports. The Indian Express, a leading English daily, reported that an official team would be leaving for Thimphu on Friday to set up the visit and work out the relevant logistics.
“Keen to start his foreign tours from the neighbourhood, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will undertake his first visit to Bhutan, the friendliest among all the neighbouring countries, this month,” the paper reported.
“Prime Minister Narendra Modi picks Bhutan for his first foreign visit,” tweeted NDTV.
The visit is planned to take place possibly after the ongoing Parliament session, which means it will be in the third week of June.
Media reported that Narendra Modi’s initial choice of visit was among the three closest neighbouring countries, Bhutan, Bangladesh, and Nepal. This was as per the Indian prime minister’s wish.
Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay, during his visit to India to attend the swearing in ceremony of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, invited him and senior BJP leaders to visit Bhutan .