Central Bhutan Mushroom festival was started initially in year 2008.Ura valley is one of the four valley in Bumthang, Bhutan which is suitable in growing mushroom at an altitude of about 3000mtrs.
People of Ura gewog in Bumthang showcased different varieties of mushrooms at the fourth annual masutake mushroom (Sangay shamu) festival held on August 24 and 25.
There are about 100 types of mushrooms identified in Ura out of which 50 are edible. The festival saw hundreds of people attending in their best attire and different dances, including mask dances, were also performed. Several tourists also attended the festival.
The festival, initiated to alleviate poverty and increase rural income, among others, was first started in 2008. However, in 2010 and 2011, it was not organised because of logistic reasons.