Face book has been such a strong social network to connect the friends, family , relatives and above all the easiest way to find friends that you have lost the contact. Today his Excellency Jigme Y.Thinley, the prime Minister of Bhutan shares his interest and view about being on the social network like face book. His Excellency was unable to get the internet connection on his ipad for the last five days.
A busy schedule and the absence of an internet connection, Lyonchhoen said, is what has kept him from logging on to the popular networking site, Facebook.
The prime minister, who said he is happy to be on Face book, has been active for about 10 days.
But why is Lyonchhoen on Facebook now?
The prime minister said he had wanted to experiment with social media for a long time, but was not able to engage in it, because time, he said, is very difficult to find for an individual, who is involved in a leadership role.
“But why I took it up now is because every passing day I was advised by more and more people of the benefits of engaging with Facebook,” the prime minister said. “And one of the things that I was convinced of was that I was missing out on an important and interesting dimension in life, in this technologically aided world today, which would enable me to over- come and compensate for what I’ve lost.”
“In more recent years, I have no social life,” Lyonchhoen told during the 16th meet the press session yesterday in Thimphu. “I have no interaction with friends, and I am a human being like everyone else. And on the first day itself I was amazed on how I was able to connect with people that I had lost in my life, that I had lost traces of.”
Apart from the convenience of being able to meet so many people on one window, reviving his social life and reconnecting with people, what has amazed him is “hearing” what he doesn’t hear at all outside the Facebook.
“That is, words of inspiration and encouragement,” Lyonchhoen said.
Because of the culture in the world today, once human beings become politicians, Lyonchhoen said that politicians become a different breed of animals and are not trusted and loved.
“And we feel that. We feel that we’re being misunderstood, our intentions are almost always misinterpreted, and very rarely the good intentions are seen to be reported in the same manner,” the prime minister said. “You are really begin to wonder whether in fact you are such an animal. But having entered Facebook, I feel I have in a way redeemed myself as ‘oh I couldn’t be that bad.”
There are people, who believe in me, he said,and that he is happy to be on Facebook. “I’m getting a lot out of it – socially, intellectually and politically, I might also say for there are advices that are coming out for instance on tobacco,” the prime minister said. “I was surprised to find such a huge group of people, who discuss the subject of tobacco and it’s a very good source, gives very good feed- back, and in a way tell you of the pulse of the youth and the literate. Hopefully I’ll be able to reconnect this evening.”